This phase focuses on testing and enhancing education environments, developed or supported by partners, across five different countries. It involves training staff and target groups while refining the DiGifusE method, amalgamating it with three distinct cases.

The specific objectives are:
1. Increasing take-up and improving inclusiveness and accessibility of adult education. Our aim is to make adult education more accessible and inclusive.
2. Improving the competences of educators and other adult learning and guidance staff. We strive to enhance the skills and capabilities of educators and other professionals in adult learning and guidance.
3. Enhancing (Digital) Skills and Competencies: Our focus is on equipping both staff and target groups with essential digital skills and competencies.
The cases we will utilize span across three distinct education fields:
1. BLEEP: We believe in lifelong learning, especially crucial for vulnerable individuals reintegrating into society. BLEEP is a blended learning environment developed to seamlessly integrate traditional and digital learning methods. It supports staff in prisons by providing a similar framework for acquiring new skills and approaches, catering to teachers, mentors, social workers, and reintegration coaches.
2. TRIANGLE: This is a secured digital education system designed for vocational skills within closed institutions, encompassing formal and non-formal education. Triangle addresses the challenge of skill-building and portfolio development within a secure internet setting and can be used in open setting. It empowers teachers and students to research and utilize this environment effectively in various workplaces and classrooms, both inside and outside institutions.
3. PERSPEKTIVE: This initiative aims to foster job-related skills among prisoners, utilizing innovative tools.