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With the DigiFuseE project we aim to create a practical, evidence-based guideline for a successful Education Environment to help (closed) care institutes for vulnerable people. We will do this by analyzing the scope and the challenges that come with this, in a holistic way and look at strategical, organizational, informational and technical aspects while taking in count both the different stakeholders and the specific security aspects that are relevant for this kind of environments.
DigiFusE will as such be shaped by a Community of Practice sharing experience on already embedded education environments of the partners (BLEEP for reintegration and TRIANGLE and PERSPECTIVE for vocational skills) and research about effective methods for vulnerable target groups, subscribing the importance of self-development and effective learning in (closed) care institutions and acknowledging the increasing demand and needs of these institutions to keep up with the current developments in the digital society.


• A Group of experts in the field of ICT and education for vulnerable groups that will form a consortium.
• A SWOT based on research with the needs of staff and target groups
• A method based on SOIT layers: Strategy, Organization, Information, Technical.
• A DigiFusE training and advise system based on the method.
• An open access website with method and training
• 3 improved education environments: BLEEP/re-integration, Triangle and PERSPECTIVE/vocational skills