The objectives of this phase are:
- Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity
- New learning and teaching methods and approaches.

Field Research: we start DigiFusE with a SWOT: Strong, Weak, Opportunities, Threats. This SWOT analysis will focus specifically on the 4 levels that are relevant for the successful implementation of digital interventions, we call it the SOIT: Strategical, Organizational, Informational and Technical. The developing group will be the main motor behind the SWOT. During this analysis we will also taking in count the different stakeholders’ needs and involvement, as well as the specific expectations related to security that partly defines the specific context this learning takes place. We will do this by field research by 20 interviews in each country, work together and analyze the needs of the target groups and staff. Every partner works with
- an education environment to analyse and work with: this will be BLEEP, TRIANGLE or PERSPEKTIVE.
2. associated institutes with specific targetgroup(s): people who have been in prison or care institutes for a long time, people without school careers or other education, people who couldn’t effort devices and digital equipment, people who had to leave their own country, and are newcomers in the partner country.
3. we analyze our own experiences in the fields we work in.
Research report: The advisory group will have the lead in the desk research based on at least 8 research reports.
What is SOIT:
1. Strategic: To successfully return into the society where digital became the new normal, individuals must continually adapt and acquire new skills. Where rehabilitative objectives and policies to support a successful return are omnipresent and increasingly part of jurisdictions ambitions, the fact that this should include the return (or in many cases introduction) to the online realm, is in most cases not part of that ambition. This absence on a strategical and political level often results in complexity to adapt rules and legislation, conservative attitudes towards change and limited resources.
2. Organizational: This limited strategic attention for digital needs also translates into an organization where there is little to no room to support the necessary digital change and interventions: a lack of digital skills, limited knowledge and guidelines about digital possibilities and reduced access to digital environments for both staff and service users, is a huge problem in many organizations. Faulty blended (a combination of online and offline) learning and reintegration environments are often a source of frustration in a complex situation where it is precisely necessary that effective and functional steps can be taken on a feasible scale.
3.Informational: insights in how broad and important online realms became, and what should be addressed in our interventions to address the digital divide of incarcerated individuals. Those insights are valuable for us to understand what areas to address.
4.Technical:There are quite some existing technical solutions that have been developed. But in almost every country the technical digital system gives the biggest complication for an education environment. They are focused on safety, no connection to the outside world, very limited in functions and facilitated. In our research we can learn from existing practices and technical solutions.